Welcome to a New Day

I had a special moment thinking about mornings earlier. The smell of mornings is fantastic to me. I’m not talking about the possibilities that each day brings, yet. I simply mean taking a deep breath and smelling the freshness of a new day. 

I remember mornings at my Grandma’s house - she would be frying bacon and percolating coffee. Both are distinctive aromas. I would awaken in anticipation of a big breakfast.

 I recall mornings with my Mom when I was a teenager. The wooden FM radio would be tuned to WBLS 107.5. I set the alarm for 5:25 am so that I could be awake when Ken Spider Webb would sign on and greet the world. Sometimes I’d hear my Mom in the bathroom getting ready. 

Tears form in my eyes when I think about waking up in my Mitchellville townhouse. Happy tears. That bedroom was so bright. I had a bump out sitting room attached to my bedroom. That part of the room also had a skylight. For some reason, I always woke up on my left side facing all the brightness. I recall hearing the birds chirping before sunrise. They always let me know - its almost time to get up! When my daughter was small, I’d go into her room and gently wake her up. She would give me a big squeeze and cause me to fart. That was our morning laugh for a while. 

I recall living there alone for about ten years. When I finally bought a Keurig Coffee machine, it was such a delight. I would go downstairs and prepare my coffee. Then sit at the kitchen table with my gratitude journal and absorb the beauty of morning. The view from the kitchen sunroom always brought me joy. In the morning.

Now I feel myself awakening when its still dark. My mind races to say Thank you God before I start thinking of the day ahead. I take ten steps to my kitchen and the Nespresso machine and select my mug choice for the day. I sit in the living room with my coffee and my Gratitude journal. Then I get busy preparing lunch for my son-in-law. He seems to really appreciate it, so I keep making it. Now I toast the bread,,,,, spread the mayo on one slice and mustard on the other…… Many times, I have gospel music or affirmations playing in the background.  I bless the contents of the black insulated lunch bag knowing that God is working through me this morning and every morning.

Recently, I was on a cruise and had a balcony room. What a delight to go outside and greet each new day. My favorite journal, my favorite pen, and grateful expectation of whatever is to come.

Morning. My favorite time of day.

Mindset Reset - Summer ‘22 Edition

We just completed a 30 day Mindset Reset. Many people talk about changing your mindset. Well I’m here to tell you that it sounds easier than it actually is. It takes dedication and practice. Its not like saying “I am prosperous -abracadabra.” And voila’ money rains down on you. A combination of affirmations, journalling and visualization will set you on the path. Keep walking. More dedication and practice. When the road comes to a fork, choose wisely. You could veer left and end up back at the beginning . Or, you could pray for guidance, choose rightly and keep on stepping. More dedication and practice.

If you’re a member of my FB group - The Leadership Voice by Christine A Harper, you had the opportunity to take the journey with me in June. Each day, we chiseled away at the false beliefs that clutter our minds. Even though the 30 day Challenge is over, you can make a personal commitment to keep growing, keep evolving, keep striving to be a better version of you. I can give you the formula but you have to do the work. Everyday. One day you’ll look back and exclaim, “I’m not exactly who I want to be, but I’m sure not the person I used to be!”

Christine Harper Christine Harper


It all begins with an idea.

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